I started posting my kitchen gadget of the month in January with the expectation that I would continue to post one each month. Then came February and, well, oops.
So you're getting two today! These two gadgets are both mentioned in my last blog post - Easter, 2013.

First is a handy-dandy spice grinder. I use mine ONLY for nutmeg. I love nutmeg!! I use in along with cinnamon in my baking, I'll add a little to certain cream sauces - like alfredo sauce. But I really love in my latte's! This spice grinder is perfect for shaving off little specs of nutmeg deliciousness. The best part is that it also doubles as a nutmeg holder. Get your own at my amazon store by clicking here.
Second fav gadget: steamer basket. I love steaming veggies. I really try to not microwave food anymore than I have to - I have read how the microwaves actually destroy the nutrients in your food and even change its molecular structure (I'll read up more and post about this sometime in the future). I particularly remember reading that if you microwaved regular tap water, let it cool, and then water your plants with it, the plants would die. I think I might experiment this this theory too.

Whew! I think I'm caught up now! Stay tuned for more gadgets to come!
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